Brian Griffiths serves as Director of Bands at Corban University in Salem, Oregon, and is Director of the Music Education Program. He has been the Scott Reese Leadership Camps senior staff instructor since 1992. A former high school band director and high school and college drum major, he passes on a wealth of knowledge and techniques grounded in years of practical experience.

Mr. Griffiths holds degrees from the University of Oregon and Corban University. Prior to his appointment at Corban, Mr. Griffiths taught at award-winning marching and jazz bands and co-conducting a nationally recognized high school wind ensemble. He is active as an adjudicator and guest conductor around the Northwest. A specialist on tenor and bass trombone, he enjoys serving as a brass clinician and adjudicator in Oregon.

Mr. Griffiths holds affiliations with the the College Band Directors’ National Association, Oregon Music Educators’ Association, the Oregon Band Directors’ Association, the Northwest Association for Performing Arts, and the International Trombone Association. He is a charter member of the Oregon chapter of Phi Beta Mu, the International Bandmasters’ Fraternity.

Outside the sphere of music, Mr. Griffiths speaks regularly in the corporate environment, trains educators, and is an active leader in the business world, as well.

Brian Griffiths